On this page:
Adding a vehicle to your fleet
Adding multiple vehicles to your fleet via bulk upload
Editing a vehicle in your fleet
Viewing vehicles in a fleet
To view your vehicles in a fleet, select Fleet in the top navigation bar, then select Vehicles in the dropdown.
Adding a vehicle to your fleet
From the Fleet vehicle page, click on the Add new button. Then click Vehicle.
Enter the following information to create a new vehicle record:
- Fleet (required)
- Model (required)
- Year (required)
- Active from date (required)
- VIN (required)
- Registration number
- Contract number
- RFID card
Click on Save button to save the new vehicle to your fleet. Or hit Cancel to return to your vehicle list without saving.
Adding multiple vehicles to your fleet via bulk upload
From the Fleet vehicle page, click on the Add new button. Then click Vehicle.
Click the Add multiple vehicles tab.
Next, prepare your CSV file: download the CSV template and open it on your device (you can use Microsoft Excel or your preferred csv editor).
Add your vehicle details into the csv file, using one row for each vehicle. Do not remove the header rows.
Pay special attention to the following fields:
- Make and model: please follow the formatting requirements outlined.
- Active from: please follow the format: YYYY-MM-DD
Note that contract number, registration number and RFID number are optional fields and can be left empty.
Save your file, ensuring it is saved as a CSV (UTF-8) format.
Return to the Chargefox portal in your browser and click select file.
Select your prepared csv file from your device, then click Upload.
Wait for the file to upload. Once your upload is successful, you will be returned to the Fleet vehicle page.
Editing a vehicle in your fleet
From the Fleet vehicle page, click the three-dot menu next to the vehicle you wish to edit. You will be navigated to a new Edit Fleet Vehicle page,
Change any values you wish to edit. Note: you cannot modify the Active from date or the Fleet the vehicle is in.
Click on the Save button to save the changes to your vehicle. Or press Cancel to return to your vehicle list without saving changes.
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