From the Fleet vehicle page, find the RFID you wish to cancel and click on the RFID that you wish to cancel. Click Cancel RFID in the dropdown.
Cancel RFID card modal will appear. Check the RFID card number displayed is the one you wish to cancel. Click on Cancel card button to proceed. Or to cancel, click the Keep card button and return to the fleet vehicle page.
What to do if you accidentally cancel the wrong RFID card
Unfortunately RFID cards cannot be re-enabled as we can’t allow them to be used on different vehicles.
If you accidentally cancel an RFID card for a vehicle that is currently in use, we suggest you order and activate a new RFID card for the vehicle and find a way to get the card to the vehicle driver.
If the driver is unable to charge in the meantime, we suggest advising the driver they can call our support number on 1300 518 038. Call center team members can initiate a charging session for a driver that’s experiencing challenges.
Alternatively, they can set up an account on the Chargefox mobile app and use this to charge their vehicle. Note that a credit card is required to pay for charge sessions via the app.
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