Novated lease providers are partnering with Chargefox to make managing your charging costs easy.
Drivers now have the option to use the Chargefox mobile app with their novated lease provider or fleet company. This feature is available via select novated lease providers and organisations who are working with Chargefox.
Check with your novated lease provider to learn more.
When your novated lease provider adds your details to Chargefox, you will receive an email with an invite code you can use to add them as an expense provider in the Chargefox app.
Once activated, you’ll be able to select your novated lease provider as a payment method before starting a charge session. Your novated lease provider will be invoiced for charge sessions initiated via this payment method.
Step by step guide
Adding an expense provider
Once your novated lease provider invites you to add them as an expense provider, you will receive an email from Chargefox containing an invite code you’ll need to link your Chargefox account to the expense provider.
Download the Chargefox app and sign up/login using the email address you received your email invite on.
Click the hamburger menu in the top left and click My profile in the side menu.
Scroll down to Payment methods and tap the Add expense provider button.
On the next screen, enter the invite code emailed to you and Submit.
You will see your expense provider under payment methods.
Selecting a payment method for charge session
Find the station on the network map and tap to open details.
You will see the selected payment method. Tap the Change button to select a different payment method if needed.
When you start your charge session, the selected payment method will be used. When using your expense provider, the invoice for the session will be sent to them.
If you only have one payment method (either an expense provider or credit card), that method will be used by default and you will not see the Change button in the Location screens.
I can't see the expense provider button under payment methods.
Make sure the Chargefox account you're logged in with is using the same email address that you've received your invite on. Haven't received an email with an invite code yet? Your novated lease provider may not have sent your invite yet. Ask your novated lease provider for more information.
What data is shared with the expense provider?
Your expense provider will only see information related to charge sessions initiated through the linked payment method. This includes the cost of the session, location, and time. Account data and charge session data from sessions initiated through a personal credit card remain private to you.
What happens when my expense provider unlinks my account?
If your account is unlinked by your expense provider, you will no longer be able to start a session using the expense provider as a payment method. You retain ownership of your account and can still charge using a credit card payment.
Do I need to add a credit card to my account?
You can use your account using the expense provider as your only payment method without the need to add a credit card.
If you wish to use discounts or member program benefits, you will need to add credit card details and choose your credit card as the payment method for these charge sessions.
If you have added a novated lease provider as an expense provider and you wish to use your account for private use, you can optionally add credit card details.
Can I add more than one expense provider?
No, you can currently only have one expense provider.
Can I use a discount or member program with my expense provider?
It’s not currently possible to use member programs or discounts with an expense provider. To take advantage of these offers, you can use credit card payment in the app.
How do I remove the expense provider?
If you no longer wish to have the expense provider option in your account, reach out to your novated lease provider to unlink you from their account.
We’d love your feedback on this new feature. Please email us at to leave your feedback or if you have any questions.
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